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How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions Year Round

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions Year Round

Carla Vianna
Apr 5, 2022

On January 1st, everyone’s New Year’s resolutions are top priority. Then February rolls around. Many people have a hard time sticking to their New Year’s resolutions a few months into the year — but this post will show you that it doesn’t have to be that way!

If you adopt daily habits that align with your goals, you’ll have a better chance at achieving them. Whether you’re striving to hit the gym consistently or call your loved ones more often, here are five tips to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions.

Write Down Your New Year’s Resolutions

I always find that physically writing down my New Year’s resolutions helps me manifest them. It can be as simple as listing each of your goals on a sheet of paper. You can hang this paper in your room or on your fridge to make sure you see it every day. If you use this sheet as a daily reminder to follow your goals, you’ll be that much closer to making your New Year’s resolutions stick.

Break Down Your Big Goals Into Small Ones

Sometimes it can be scary to chase after a really big goal. If you’re hoping to start exercising, for example, you can break this goal into smaller, more manageable ones. You can start by adding a daily walk to your routine, then increase your exercise each day by a little until you reach your full potential. Ask yourself how you can break down your big goals into smaller ones.

Get Organized With a Daily Agenda

After you’ve broken down your big goals into smaller, more actionable steps, use a daily agenda to stay organized. Keep track of the daily habits and tasks you should be doing in order to achieve your New Year’s resolutions. If you want to spend more time with your family, for example, use your agenda to schedule family time each week.

Limit Your Resolutions

At the beginning of a new year the possibilities feel endless. Sometimes this causes us to set one too many goals for ourselves. By no means am I telling you not to dream big! But it’s important to set conscious goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed down the line.

It’s better to set two to three big goals and work toward them every day than to set 10 goals and never achieve any of them fully.

Get Support From Your Friends

3 girls laughing and walking on pier

One of the best ways to stick to New Year’s resolutions is to team up with a friend or roommate to tackle a goal together; especially if you’re all celebrating together on NYE, you can establish then that you will all keep each other accountable. 

If you have a roommate who shares a similar goal as you — such as learning yoga or reading more books — that’s even easier to keep each other accountable. You can join a yoga studio and practice at home together, or start your own book club to lock in more reading time.

Being able to work toward your goals with those around you can be a very gratifying experience. Working toward the same goal with a friend is not only more fun than doing so alone, but it can also help alleviate the anxiety that comes with chasing resolutions. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to find new roommates who share similar goals, you can do so through a company like Tripalink.

Tripalink model apartment with modern turquoise furniture

This co-living property management company matches you with like-minded roommates in beautifully furnished apartments. They have excellent rental options available in Irvine, LA, Tucson, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Philadelphia, all of which come with amenities such as weekly cleaning and WiFi included in the rent price.

Co-living is an excellent way to meet new people and make amazing friends in 2021, especially if you can all work toward the same goals together. Go out there and get after it!

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