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Los Angeles
Renter Market Trends

Rental Market Trends in Los Angeles

Are you planning a move to Los Angeles, and unclear about the average rental price in the city you're interested in? Don't worry, we'll provide you with the market trends of this city. We hope this information helps you find your home of choice!
Average Rent in Los Angeles
Last updated on September 2024
$3,124 /mo
ment size
839 Sq.Ft
Annual change
Los Angeles
125 available homes for rent
1. Average rent for different apartment types
As of September 2024, the average rent in Los Angeles was $3,124/month.
Apartment TypeAvg RentAverage Sq.FtAnnual Change
500 Sq.Ft
1 Bedroom
665 Sq.Ft
2 Bedrooms
1,115 Sq.Ft
3 Bedrooms
1,477 Sq.Ft
2. Market trends over time
In the past year, rent has reduced by 3.85%, which averages out to $124 less per month.

Median rents trends in Los Angeles

No Data
We are working hard to collect data as quickly as possible. Please stay tuned

Rent by Neighborhood

Last updated today

NeighborhoodAvg RentAverage Sq.FtAnnual Change
492 Sq.Ft
481 Sq.Ft
534 Sq.Ft
438 Sq.Ft
West LA
427 Sq.Ft

We ensure the accuracy and transparency of our data

Our relies on big data and artificial intelligence to summarize and summarize this rental data. We combine this data with public record to provide the most up-to-date rental information available.

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5817 Lexington Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038

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800 S Harvard Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Equal Housing Opportunity
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